With these techniques, you can make the user understand what kind of company you are. Perhaps you are characterized by something Scandinavian? Would you like to radiate sustainability? There can be many of the company's goals, which can appear in pictures. That way, you don't have to explain what kind of brand you are - you just have to show it. 5. The facts speak We live in a world where images are unavoidable. It has been proven that posting pictures on social media, for example, works. Images create engagement, credibility and attention.
Why not try a professional photographer from You can WhatsApp Number List get through with many more messages if you use images and video in your content. Research shows that we simply accept a message more easily if we see it instead of reading it. That way we remember it easier. This is called the Picture Superiority Effect. One of the reasons for this is that the message sticks in the memory twice – both as a verbal code and as an image. A concrete example is a series of studies carried out by some British researchers.
Here, they investigated how design and information affect the credibility of health websites. The results of the study showed that the most important thing for the participants was how the website looked and how it felt to them. 94% were about design, with only 6% about the content. The visual content was what influenced the participants the most. Similarly, poor quality images or a messy design equated to quick rejections and mistrust of the website. Participants were quick to judge the design on the first page they came to, and if they didn't like it, they almost never clicked on.