It is then that the search engine returns the results that best fit the words you used. Now, how do search engines work? Search engines register web pages and index them, that is, they automatically crawl the content of those sites and when they gather enough information from them, they register them. In this way, when a user performs a search, the engine's algorithm offers them the indexed information that most accurately responds to their search. So why are keywords important in this story?
Because A keyword -optimized site will help users find useful answers Cambodia WhatsApp Number Data to their questions more quickly. That is, these words will tell the algorithms “Hey, it's this way! On my website we talk about this” helping your site rank better in search engine results. 3 tips to optimize your site with keywords Now that we have seen how keywords work , let's look at some tips that will be very useful when selecting the most appropriate keywords for your website. 1. Know and investigate your buyer persona to be effective you must know your buyer persona . What are your needs? What searches are you doing on the Internet? This aspect is crucial to attract visitors who can eventually become leads and customers.
For this reason, do not only choose keywords with a high search volume, but also those that may have less volume but that will attract your buyer persona. 2. Create an authoritative site In addition to using the appropriate keywords , another important aspect to position your site in search engines is its authority. You may be wondering, how do I tell search engines that my site has authority? Well, one way to do it is by taking great care of the quality of your content, that it really adds value to your audience and that it is linked to other sites that help them resolve all their doubts. 3.